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Cleantech Venture Day / Climate Tech SuperCluster Roundtables

Roundtable 1
'Energy' with Cambridge Consultants

"How to enable mass participation in the energy system to meet net zero"
The roundtable, chaired by Cambridge Consultants, aims to gather a selected group of energy suppliers, HEMS providers, EV and heat pump companies, P2P platforms, and DSO representatives for a cross-sectoral conversation on how to foster widespread public engagement in the energy system and empower individuals to actively contribute to achieving net-zero emissions.

Roundtable 2
'Retrofit' with EDF Energy

The UK needs to retrofit up to 1 million homes a year overthe next 25 years to meet its 2050 decarbonisation targets. Currently, the UKis only meeting a fraction of this target. Oxfordshire Greentech, in collaboration with EDF, CambridgeCleantech, and the Climate Tech Supercluster, is convening an ecosystemroundtable as part of our biannual Cleantech Venture Day on 2nd July to explorehow the climate tech ecosystem can better work together to tackle one of the most significant challenges facing the UK in its journey to net-zero.

Roundtable 3
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (ESAF) with MAG (Manchester Airports Group)

"Building a Supply Chain in the East of England
The round table aims to explore funded opportunities to accelerate the development and use of emerging SAF and eSAF in the East of England.

Past Events

We are Climate Tech SuperCluster

A gathering of 60+ leading organisations, experts and stakeholders aimed at exploring the potential of this new economic region to become the global leader in the creation and scaling of climate-positive technology.

In partnership with London & Partners, EDF and Sustainable Ventures the Climate Tech Supercluster is organizing a 1-day workshop to explore the potential of the supercluster region to become a global leader in creating and accelerating climate technology. This international ecosystem workshop will use systems and design thinking approaches to map and understand the potential of the supercluster region. The aim of the day is to ideate and co-design the collaborations, projects and programmes needed to realize the ecosystem's ability to scale and accelerate climate technology.

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